Tid: 13/04/2016 15:00 til 13/04/2016 17:00

Sted: BØRNEfonden, Otto Mønsteds Gade 5 (ved Politigården), København V

Arrangør: N/A

Hvordan måler og vejer vi udvikling på landet?

Monitoring and Evaluation is increasingly critical in the growing demand on NGOs to document results. However, how do we document the strengthening of rural civil society? In addition, what are the critical thresholds and pathways to look for? 


This is what seven Danish NGOs have decided to address in a joint learning initiative seeking to develop M&E tools and guidelines to strengthen Democratic Rural Organizations (DROs).


The presenters at this kick off meeting are researcher Dr. Esbern Friis-Hansen, and Mr. Shivaram Kanathila, consultant to UNDP/UNOPS, member of National Rural Livelihood Mission State Resource Group, and the UNDP national Solution Exchange in India.


In INDIA, the world largest democracy, the movement of Self Help Groups (SHGs) alone counts more than 97 million people in bank linked SHGs and more than 164.000 village level SHG federations (GIZ 2012).


NGOs in India have developed a comprehensive M&E system, which is widely used among NGOs, and government agencies in India supporting community based organizations. As such, India is way ahead of most other countries and we can learn much from the history and innovations in India.


Mr. Shivaram Kanathila has followed the SHG movement and other DRO developments in India from the early days and he will provide a detailed insight. 


In 2015, Danmission and Caritas Denmark carried out a study on the thresholds and pathways of DROs in India, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Uganda. Dr. Esbern Friis-Hansen carried out the study with his team from India and Uganda.


This unique study has now generated a lot of academic interest and Dr. Esbern and team are now in the process to publish a book in collaboration with Routledge Development.


The seven NGOs of the new initiative will contribute to the book e.g.in the form of a chapter on practical implications. This kick off meeting is an opportunity to hear more about this new development and implications for NGOs supporting DROs. 




15.00 Mr. Shivaram Kanathila will elaborate on the M&E tools for DROs in India 


15.30 Dr. Esbern Friis-Hansen will summarize latest research and future directions 


16.00 Mrs. Kristine Kaaber Pors: New indicators and guidelines for rural civil society 


16.15 Questions and debate 


17.00 Closure 


The organizations behind this new 18 months long learning initiative funded by Global Focus are:


Caritas Danmark, Danmission, Action Child Aid, Danish Forestry Extension, Danish Mission Council Development Department, Organic Denmark, Danish Ugandan Friendship Association. 

Please enroll by 10 April to Peter Blum Samuelsen: [email protected]