Tid: 08/03/2016 19:00 til 08/03/2016 21:30

Sted: Husets Biograf’, Rådhusstræde 13, København K.

Arrangør: N/A

“Indian Movie Night” i København

Celebrating the spirit of International Women’s Day, Aktion Børnehjælp, in association with Husets Biograf, presents ’Indian Movie Night’ in Copenhagen.

We will screen the award-winning documentary ‘GULABI GANG’, which reflects how the Indian women's rights activist, Sampat Pal Devi and her Gulabi Gang, empower themselves to act against gender violence, caste oppression and widespread corruption.

After the film, Aktion Børnehjælp will open the floor for our viewers for a short discussion/debate, where anyone can share individual views and experiences, on how they perceive Indian women’s life in India, in comparison to life here in Denmark.

The film will be shown in Hindi language with English subtitles. The presentations and debate will be held in English.

Ticket price is 50 kr., which will go directly towards Aktion Børnehjælp projects.

Tickets are purchased on the day at Husets Biograf by Cash or MobilePay.

Aktion Børnehjælp works to improve access to education and health care for poor and

This is the second in a series of evenings intended to spur debate and dialogue on issues via the screening of films followed by a debate. You can read more about Aktion Børnehjælp at www.aktionb.dk

RESERVATIONS can be made via [email protected]

Please include the word "AKTION” and the number of reservations desired in the subject line of your e-mail, and you will receive a quick confirmation with further info.

You can find more details about the event at our Facebook eventhttps://www.facebook.com/events/211086529244907/

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Projektleder Stinne Hjulmann, Aktion Børnehjælp

Tlf. 35 85 03 15 og e-mail: [email protected]