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Informationsmøde i Århus om ny dansk-arabisk fond

Der holdes to informationsmøder om den nye “Fund for Academic Cooperation and Exchange (FACE) between Denmark and the MENA region” forud for fondens første “call for proposals”. Mødet i Århus foregår:

TID: Mandag d. 31. august, kl. 13 til 14

STED: Aarhus Universitet, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2-4, Bygning 1421, Mødelokale 1, Århus C.

Der holdes to informationsmøder om den nye “Fund for Academic Cooperation and Exchange (FACE) between Denmark and the MENA region” forud for fondens første “call for proposals”. Mødet i Århus foregår:

TID: Mandag d. 31. august, kl. 13 til 14

STED: Aarhus Universitet, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2-4, Bygning 1421, Mødelokale 1, Århus C.

Formålet er at oplyse om fondens overordnede formål og krav samt give deltagerne mulighed for at få afklaret eventuelle spørgsmål.

Mødet er åbent for alle, men henvender sig særligt til personer og institutioner med erfaring fra akademisk samarbejde uden for Danmark.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Ehab Galal, Programme Manager

Email: [email protected]

Om fonden

The Fund for Academic Cooperation and Exchange (FACE Programme) is established by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Danish Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP) to support academic cooperation between Denmark and the MENA region (the Middle East and North Africa).

The FACE-programme is based on the two DAPP objectives which are, i) promoting reform and democratization processes in the MENA region and, ii) improving dialogue, understanding and cooperation between Denmark and the MENA region. 

FACE focuses mainly on the third DAPP thematic area, ‘Knowledge-Based Societies’, through promotion of critical and independent academia that supports reform and democratization processes, and by contributing to dialogue and cooperation between Danish and Arab academia. 

FACE aims at promoting inclusion of actors and/or perspectives that are normally excluded from the public domain and policy dialogue, promoting outreach as regards goal and perspectives of the academic research and hence, including questions relevant to people outside the urban elite that is likely to produce sustainable result, which will have a multiplier effect or ‘lasting impact’.


FACE supports projects with a budget of up to two million DKR per year. The overall amount available for all Grants 2015-2017 is 11 million DKR.

There are two grant sizes:

1) Large grants between 50,000 and two million DKR per year. 

2) Small grants of up to 50,000 DKR (E.g. for academic exchange visits, participation and organizing of conferences, seminars and meetings).

Launch of first call

The first call will be launched on 15th September 2015. All background and application documents will be available on www.face-programme.dk from this date.

Deadline for applications

Grants above 50,000 DKR is15th November 2015, 24:00 Danish Time.

Grants below 50,000 DKR: Continuously within the period from 15th September 2015 until 1st May 2017.

General eligibility criteria

Only Danish academic institutions or legal entities with experience with academic cooperation/activities (preferably in the MENA region) are eligible.

The partner from the MENA region may be a non-formalized group of individual scholars/students.

For the large grants Danish applicants must have established formal collaboration with partners from the MENA region.

All projects – below and above 50,000 DKR – must contribute to the two overall objectives of the FACE-programme (reform and dialogue) and focus on one or more of DAPP’s four thematic areas.

Projects can have a regional coverage, but the majority of the activities must focus on one or more of the DAPP priority countries. They are Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan and Syria.

Funded projects must end no later than June 2017.

Assessment of applications

A Grant Committee carries out the professional and independent assessment and prioritization of applications for the Fund.

The Grant Committee members will be appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs based on recommendation from Danish academic institutions.

The FACE fund is managed by NIRAS /University of Copenhagen on behalf of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

See also http://www.detarabiskeinitiativ.dk/om

HUSK at du indtil videre kan se hele månedsoversigten over arrangementer på http://u-landsnyt.dk/kalender