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Informationsmøde om European Endowment for Democracy (EED)

TID: Torsdag d. 7. november kl. 14.00-15.30

STED: Jemtelandsgade 1, 2300 København S, I DIPD/NCGs mødelokale ‘Kathmandu’ (samme indgang som CARE, 3 sal)

European Endowment for Democracy (EED) – Information meeting

Date: 7th of November from 2 PM – 3.30 PM

Venue: DIPD/NCG’s meeting room ‘ Kathamandu’ – Jemtelandsgade 1, 2300 Cph S (same entrance as CARE, 3rd floor)

TID: Torsdag d. 7. november kl. 14.00-15.30

STED: Jemtelandsgade 1, 2300 København S, I DIPD/NCGs mødelokale ‘Kathmandu’ (samme indgang som CARE, 3 sal)

European Endowment for Democracy (EED) – Information meeting

Date: 7th of November from 2 PM – 3.30 PM

Venue: DIPD/NCG’s meeting room ‘ Kathamandu’ – Jemtelandsgade 1, 2300 Cph S (same entrance as CARE, 3rd floor)

Agenda: Presentation by Lisbeth Pilegaard, Vice chairperson of the EED’s Executive Committee and member of the Board of the newly established Fund, supporting democratic initiatives in EU’s neighbourhood countries to the East and South.

More information: http://democracyendowment.eu

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