

Arrangør: N/A

Konference om skat, skattefusk og udvikling

TID: Fredag den 12. december kl. 08.30-15.00

STED: Fællessalen, Christiansborg, København

TILMELDING: På http://www.ms.dk/taxfordevelopment

Spørgsmål kan rettes til Troels Børrild, Politikmedarbejder, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, tlf.: 51 92 03 24, mail: [email protected] 

TID: Fredag den 12. december kl. 08.30-15.00

STED: Fællessalen, Christiansborg, København

TILMELDING: På http://www.ms.dk/taxfordevelopment

Spørgsmål kan rettes til Troels Børrild, Politikmedarbejder, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, tlf.: 51 92 03 24, mail: [email protected] 

Tax for Development – The Role of European Policy Makers

Hvordan kan danske og europæiske politikere føre an i kampen mod store virksomheders skattefusk i udviklingslande? 

Deltag i debatten med danske, europæiske og afrikanske politikere, internationale skatteeksperter, KPMG, SAS + flere. 


Opening remarks by Mr. Frans Mikael Jansen, Secretary General, ActionAid Denmark, and Mr. Benny Engelbrecht, Danish Minister for Taxation.

Why All the Fuss about Corporate Tax Dodging in Developing Countries?

The size and implications of a red hot topic connecting the Global North and South. The role of European policy makers.


  • Mr. Pierre Moscovici, Commissioner Designate for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs. (tbc)
  • Mr. Pascal Saint-Amans, Director, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD.
  • Mr. Henry Malumo, Tax Justice Advocacy Coordinator Africa, ActionAid 

Panel debate.

The Power of Transparency The impact and potential of transparency requirements regarding the tax practices and payments of multinational enterprises.

Should Danish and European policy makers make country-by-country reporting and other transparency measures mandatory?


  • Mr. Richard Murphy, Director, Tax Research
  • Mr. Pascal Saint-Amans, Director, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD.
  • Mr. Niels Johannesen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen University
  • Mr. Martin Nielsen, Tax Partner, KPMG ACOR TAX
  • Ms. Tove Maria Ryding, Policy and Advocacy Manager, Tax Justice, Eurodad 

Panel debate

Closing the Loopholes Causing Tax Avoidance and Social Dumping How rule-shopping and opaque corporate structures are creating a race to the bottom on tax, safety and labour standards.

Making the case for transparency and stronger regulation also in developed countries.

  • Mr. Lars W. Andersen, Head of Public Affairs, SAS

What Danish Policy Makers Can Do to Promote Tax Transparency and Curb Tax Avoidance by Multinational Corporations in Developing Countries Panel debate with Danish Members of Parliament:

  • Ms. Astrid Krag, Rapporteur on Fiscal Affairs, The Social Democratic Party
  • Ms. Lone Loklindt, Rapporteur on Export, Growth og Development Cooperation, The Danish Social Liberal Party
  • Mr. Torsten Schack Pedersen, Rapporteur on Fiscal Affairs, The Liberal Party
  • Mr. Hans Kristian Skibby, Development Cooperation Rapporteur, The Danish People’s Party
  • Mr. Frank Aaen, Rapporteur on Tax, Finance and Business, The Red-Green Alliance

Closing remarks by Mr. Frans Mikael Jansen, Secretary General, ActionAid Denmark
