

Arrangør: N/A

Konsultation i FN Byen om Bæredygtige Landbrugsprincipper

TID: Mandag d. 30. september kl. 9-16

STED: FN Byen, Marmorvej 51, 2100 København, Østerbro.


09.00-09.30 Registration
09.30-10.00 Welcome and introduction
10.00-11.00 SABP Consultation – gathering of feedback on the White Paper
11.15-12.00 Sugar and Palm Oil – The reality of sustainable agriculture business principles
12.00-13.00 Lunch

TID: Mandag d. 30. september kl. 9-16

STED: FN Byen, Marmorvej 51, 2100 København, Østerbro.


09.00-09.30 Registration
09.30-10.00 Welcome and introduction
10.00-11.00 SABP Consultation – gathering of feedback on the White Paper
11.15-12.00 Sugar and Palm Oil – The reality of sustainable agriculture business principles
12.00-13.00 Lunch Green Commodities Facility & Global Green Growth Forum
14.00-15.30 SABP Consultation
15.30-16.00 Summary of the day and steps ahead

The UN Global compact is facilitating the creation of a set of Sustainable Agriculture Business Principles (SABP) to provide guidance to all business in agriculture, processing, trading, manufacturing, distribution and retailing. In this process you are invited to give feedback and insights to the development of these principles.

The consultation will be a multi-stakeholder dialogue and feed into the formulation of sustainable agriculture business principles, and a drafted White Paper will frame the discussions. The consultation also contributes with input to the Global Green Growth Forum, hosted by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in October.

Considering your role in and knowledge about the agricultural value chain, you are encouraged to save the date and confirm your participation to Mr. Frederik Falkenberg, [email protected] at your earliest convenience but no later than 25 September.

The event will be organized by UNDP for the Development Chapter of the Global Compact Nordic Network with Deloitte as co-organizer and co-process facilitator. Read more at www.http://gcnordic.net/