Tid: 07/10/2015 13:00 til 07/10/2015 16:00

Sted: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2G, 1448 København K

Arrangør: N/A

Lancering af African Economic Outlook 2015 – Growth, job creation, youth and migration

According to the African Economic Outlook report 2015, the economic growth in Africa is again on the rise, and will soon be closing in on the growth levels experienced before the crisis.

At the same time, Africa’s population is expected to double by 2050. The demographic changes bring about both tremendous opportunities and challenges.

Exploiting the opportunities requires unlocking the economic potential of the diverse regions of Africa, ensuring improved living conditions and creating jobs for the growing number of youth entering the labour markets.

This seminar will provide an opportunity to discuss some of the findings and predictions from this year’s African Economic Outlook report, prepared by the African Development Bank, OECD and UNDP, with the researchers behind the report.


13:00-13:05: Welcome by Birgitte Markussen, Head of the Africa Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

13:05-13:45: “Growth performance in Africa and drivers of growth”, by Abebe Shimeles, Acting Director of the Development Research Department, African Development Bank

13:45-14:30: Discussion with the audience

14:15-14:30: Coffee

14:30-15:15: “Regional integration and spatial inclusion in Africa – population growth, job creation and migration”, by Anthony Simpasa, Principal Research Economist, African Development Bank

15:15-16:00: Panel discussion – growth, youth, job creation and migration patterns Participants: Guests from African Development Bank, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, and Danish research institutions

Registration should be made to [email protected] before October 5th.

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