

Arrangør: N/A

Mary med til at fejre Maternity Foundations første ti år

TIME: Wednesday April 22 at 15.30 hours. Please be on time. Reception afterwards

VENUE: Docken, Færgehavnsvej 35 (den gamle Frihavn), 2150 Copenhagen.

The program will be held in English. 

For invited persons.

The event will be attended by our patron, Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary. 
At the event, we will launch the full version of our life-saving mobile app, The Safe Delivery App, which has been developed by Maternity Foundation in partnership with University of Copenhagen and University of Southern Denmark.

The event will be an one-hour program followed by a reception. 

The PROGRAM will include:

* A look back on 10 years with Maternity Foundation by founder Henriette Svarre Nielsen. 
* An introduction to our Integrated Maternal Health Program in Ethiopia by project manager Feyisa Gudeta.
* The future for Maternity Foundation by CEO Anna Frellsen.
* Launching the Safe Delivery App by University of Copenhagen, University of Southern Denmark and Maternity Foundation.

Please REGISTER with Lise Knudsen from Maternity Foundation before April 17 at [email protected].

Yderligere oplysninger:

If you have any questions regarding the event, you are welcome to contact Lise Knudsen at [email protected] or phone 22 11 70 52. 

We look forward to seeing you.

Juliane Meulengracht Bang, Chairman of the Board, Maternity Foundation

Anna Frellsen, CEO, Maternity Foundation

Se også http://www.maternity.dk