

Arrangør: N/A

Møde med Chr. Friis Bach om dansk støtte til udviklingsforskning (København)

TID: Mandag d. 11. november kl. 14.00-15.30

STED: University of Copenhagen, Bülowsvej 17 (Festauditoriet), 1870 Frederiksberg C.

Strategic framework for Danish support to Development Research, 2014-2018, Public meetings with Christian Friis Bach, Minister for Development Cooperation.

TID: Mandag d. 11. november kl. 14.00-15.30

STED: University of Copenhagen, Bülowsvej 17 (Festauditoriet), 1870 Frederiksberg C.

Strategic framework for Danish support to Development Research, 2014-2018, Public meetings with Christian Friis Bach, Minister for Development Cooperation.

A strategic framework for Danish support to Development Research, 2014-2018 has been drafted for public consultations during the period of 25 September 2013 to 29 November 2013. The consultation process includes two public meetings with Christian Friis Bach, Minister for Development Cooperation.

The first meeting will take place on Monday 7 October 2013 at 13:00-14:30hrs at Ålborg University (Novi), the Auditorium, Niels Jernes Vej 10, 9220 Ålborg Ø.

The second meeting will take place on Monday 11 November 2013 at 14:00-15:30hrs at University of Copenhagen, Bülowsvej 17 (Festauditoriet), 1870 Frederiksberg C.

The draft strategic framework can be downloaded from the menu in the right hand side of the website using the following link: http://um.dk/en/danida-en/partners/research