

Arrangør: N/A

Møde: Sundhedssystemer i skrøbelige stater (1. del)

TID: 12. september kl. 16–18

STED: MSF (Læger uden Grænser), Dronningensgade 68, 3. 1420 København K.

Part I – An introduction

This introducing arrangement will outline and discuss experience and knowledge on how health care systems develop and adjust in settings in conflict and fragile states.

TID: 12. september kl. 16–18

STED: MSF (Læger uden Grænser), Dronningensgade 68, 3. 1420 København K.

Part I – An introduction

This introducing arrangement will outline and discuss experience and knowledge on how health care systems develop and adjust in settings in conflict and fragile states.

What kind of (new) approaches and actors are present in the delivery of health care and how can we as NGO’s use this knowledge to strengthen health care systems in fragile states?

The presenters are Peter Hill and Jo Durham, Queensland’s University, Australia. They are a part of a team of consultants and researchers responsible for six case studies focussing on delivery of health care in fragile states.

Mit Philips and Anja Weggheleire from MSF (Doctors without borders) will feed into the presentations with experience from the field in Guinea, DAR and DRC.

All four presenters are invited to Denmark to speak at the ECTMIH congress.

They will meet students, staff of NGO’s and other relevant persons not present at the congress. They will share their research and conclude on relevant discussions from their session in the congress.

Please sign up for one or preferably both parts no later than September 6th on email to Iben Rasmine Østergaard Marcussen on [email protected]