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Nytænkende online kursus i Financial Education og Mikrofinans

TID: Fra mandag d. 21. oktober kl. 13 til fredag d. 25. oktober kl. 15

STED: Virtuelt (på nettet)

Mikrofinans er ikke nok til at skabe indtægter blandt de fattige i u-lande. De har også brug for grundlæggende finansiel viden og forretningsmæssig kompetence.

TID: Fra mandag d. 21. oktober kl. 13 til fredag d. 25. oktober kl. 15

STED: Virtuelt (på nettet)

Mikrofinans er ikke nok til at skabe indtægter blandt de fattige i u-lande. De har også brug for grundlæggende finansiel viden og forretningsmæssig kompetence.

Danske u-landsorganisationer har nu mulighed for sammen med deres partnere i syd at få indsigt og redskaber til at kunne arbejde med ‘financial education’ og ‘microbusiness’ med fokus på spare-/lånegrupper.

Kurset holdes online i et samarbejde med Folkekirkens Nødhjælp og giver en unik mulighed for at partnere i nord og syd kan deltage sammen og dermed få bedre mulighed for at anvende den nye viden.

To erfarne praktikere, Niyibizi Glycérie (CARE Rwanda) og Jessica Massie (konsulent), introducere deltagerne til et omfattende materiale udviklet som en del af CAREs Access Africa initiativ.

Kurset henvender sig til medlemmer af Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans og deres partnere og har som mål at gøre deltagerne i stand til at designe og implementere indsatser med financial education og microbusiness, fx som komponent til låne- og sparegrupper.

For mere information kontakt: Simon Skårhøj, Programme and Learning Officer, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp, [email protected]
og tlf. direkte +45 33 18 78 90 og mobil +45 30 27 33 73

Online Training – Financial Education and Microbusiness

On their own, microfinance loans are not sufficient to help grow the income of poor communities.

A whole range of other support services are needed including basic financial literacy and understanding of how to run a microbusiness profitable. Without those, borrowers stand the risk of business failure and over indebtedness.

The training in Financial Education and Microbusiness is a complementary training to members of Danish Forum for Microfinance (DFM) who works with microfinance and Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA).

The training builds on CARE International’s extensive experience developing and implementing such programs across Africa.

This online training focuses on three main content areas: financial education, microbusiness, and program planning.

During the workshop, participants will build their knowledge and skills to choose and modify appropriate content for their target groups as well as learn how to plan and manage their financial education and microbusiness programs.

Throughout the training, examples will be provided from CARE Rwanda’s programs where the systems were first developed before they were adapted by many agencies in many countries.


* Gained a clear understanding of financial education and financial education key topics
* Gained a clear understanding of microbusinesses and knowledge and skills necessary for VSLA members to start and grow successful microbusinesses
* Acquired knowledge, skills and tools to adapt existing financial education and microbusiness materials
* Created an action plan for financial education and microbusiness within own organization


* Hugh Allan, who is the top expert promoting the VSLA model all over the world, carried out a successful VSLA training with DFM in 2010. Hugh Allan visited Denmark again this year and was able to recommend the following senior trainers for this on-line training:

* NIYIBIZI Glycérie is working as Economic Security Technical support Unit Manager at CARE Rwanda. Glycérie has extensive experience with households’ economic security activities and with community based microfinance (VSLA).

* Jessica Massie is a consultant specializing in financial education based in Kigali, Rwanda. She has experience in designing and implementing financial education programs throughout Africa, as well as training trainers.


Mon, 21 OCT, 1pm-4pm (GMT+2) Tue, 22 OCT, 1pm-4pm (GMT+2) Wed, 23 OCT, 1pm-4pm (GMT+2) Thu, 24 OCT (GMT+2) Fri, 25 OCT, 1pm-3pm (GMT+2)

Household financial management / financial education What is needed and how to prioritize Planning and managing a microbusiness What skills are needed in VSLAs and how to select relevant content Designing and overseeing your own program Behavior change, materials adaptation, resources for programming 1pm-2:30pm: Online network meeting for global participants 3pm-4:30 pm: Network meeting Denmark (in-person, DanChurchAid) Presentations/Follow up and feedback on Action Plans and M&E systems

After the training, participants will have the opportunity to participate in networkgroup meetings following up on issues of interest and sharing of experience.

DFM will provide individual advice free of charge to support the application of learning in the organisations e.g. through input on strategy development, programme design, materials development etc.


Participant profile: Programme and project managers from Member organisations of Danish Forum for Microfinance and their partner organisations. Others with interest in the field.

Methodology: Online interactive training (Adobe Connect). You will need a good internet connection and a headset with mike. A link to the training will be provided upon registration.

Enrolment: By 15th October 2013 to Simon Skårhøj, Prg. and Learning Officer, DanChurchAid, [email protected]

Participant fee: 300 DKK per member organisation/individual member and 500 DKK for non-members