

Arrangør: N/A

Rundbordssamtale om kvinders rettigheder, tvunget ægteskab og menneskehandel

TID: Mandag den 24. november kl. 16.00-18.00

STED: Københavns Universitet (KUA2), Karen Blixens Vej 4, bygning 15A, stueetagen, rum 13, 2300 København S

TILMELDING: Ikke oplyst.

Roundtable discussion on women’s rights, early & forced marriages, and human trafficking

In cooperation with the UNFPA, the Ambassador of Canada H.E. Mr. André François Giroux requests the pleasure of your company for a roundtable discussion on women’s rights, early & forced marriages, and human trafficking, followed by a film screening of ‘Nadia’s Journey’ with introductory remarks by Director Nadia Zouaoui

Panel Members:

  • Ms. Janice Goodson Førde, Chairwoman, Women and Development K.U.L.U.
  • Mr. Stefan Kovacs, Senior Consultant on the Team for Rights and Governance, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ms. Helle Stenum, Department of Culture and Identity, Roskilde University
  • Ms. Nadia Zouaoui, Director of NADIA’S JOURNEY

Panel Moderator: H. E. Mr. André François Giroux

Nadia’s Journey:
This feature documentary tells the story of Nadia Zouaoui, a woman who was forced by her parents into an arranged marriage with an Algerian living in Montreal when she was 19 years old.

The man, who was twice her age, chose Nadia from a photograph. After 18 years away, Nadia goes back to Kabylia, Algeria, to see if things have changed in her native land.

There, she travels behind the tourist facade and into the complex reality of women held captive in their own homes from puberty onwards, a tragic custom many men feel powerless to change.