Tid: 16/04/2024 14:00 til 16/04/2024 15:30

Sted: DIIS - Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51A 2100 København Ø, auditorium

Arrangør: DIIS - Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier

Russia’s quest for influence in Africa after the 2022 Ukraine invasion – DIIS-seminar

In the wake of Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, many commentators expected that Moscow would scale back its activities in Africa to divert resources to the ongoing war effort. Thus far, however, this has not happened. Quite the opposite: Russia has continued and, in some regards, ramped up its activities on the continent. Western government officials and analysts view this development with growing unease and concern.

This event aims to provide decisionmakers, practitioners, interested members of the public, and academics with in-depth insights about Russia’s Africa policy since its 2022 Ukraine invasion.

Jonas Gejl Kaas, Assistant Professor, Royal Danish Defence College
Elias Götz, Associate Professor, Royal Danish Defence College
Karen Philippa Larsen, PhD Candidate, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)
Suzanne Graham, Associate Professor, University of Johannesburg

14.00-14.10 Introduction
14.10-14.30 Russia’s quest for influence in Africa after the 2022 Ukraine invasion: instruments, causes, and consequences, Jonas Gejl Kaas & Elias Götz
14.30-14.45 African voting behaviour in the UN system, Suzanne Graham (via ZOOM)
14.45-15.00 Russia’s use of PMCs in Africa after the invasion of Ukraine, Karen Philippa Larsen
15.00-15.30 Q&A

Practical information
The seminar will be held in English. Participation is free of charge but registration is required via our registration form https://www.diis.dk/en/node/26961/
Livestreaming on this page does not require registration. The livestreaming will appear on the page just before the seminar starts.

Sign up: https://www.diis.dk/en/node/26961/