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Seminar (Aalborg): Har udviklingshjælp en fremtid? Ny perspektiver

Seminar: Does development aid have a future? New perspectives in a changing world

TID: Tirsdag den 11. marts kl. 12.30-14.30

STED: Aalborg University, Kroghstræde 3, room 4.112, 9000 Aalborg.


Seminar: Does development aid have a future? New perspectives in a changing world

TID: Tirsdag den 11. marts kl. 12.30-14.30

STED: Aalborg University, Kroghstræde 3, room 4.112, 9000 Aalborg.


The world is changing. New economic powers are emerging in the South, multi-national companies dominate the world economy and several African countries have some of the highest economic growth rates in the world.

In 1970, development aid accounted for over 50% of net external flows of capital to the Developing Countries, today it represents at most 25%. What role will development play in the future and how do we bring the 1.5 billion people out of extreme poverty?

Development organisations face many challenges, and Morten will explain some of the different elements in IBIS’ development strategy, which ranges from the struggle against tax evasion to the empowerment of people to help them enforce their individual and collective rights.


The aim of the seminar is to present IBIS’ different perspectives on development strategies and to initiate a debate between IBIS and international researchers/students.

This seminar will present examples from real development projects mainly in Africa, but also Latin America in relation to intercultural development, education and good governance.


Morten Blomqvist works on the Africa Against Poverty project, which focuses on supporting the people who are affected by the extractive industries in Africa. Furthermore, he works with policy and advocacy, which aims to help educate people in how to gain influence in the political system.

Volunteer at IBIS-Aalborg:

IBIS-Aalborg is a group of volunteers who meet every second Tuesday in even-numbered weeks at 18.30hrs. They aim to inform people through seminars and movie/debate nights about IBIS’ projects around the world and the challenges faced when working with development.

If you are interested in more information about being a volunteer in IBIS-Aalborg feel free to contact Amanda Mukabami Mortensen at [email protected] or by phone: 4277 1241