

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar og diskussion: Hvordan kan man udvikle sin uddannelse og forskning i Danmark?

TID: Torsdag d. 7. november kl. 16.30‐18.30

STED: Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Porcelænshaven 26, 2000 Frederiksberg, Room PH408, 4th Floor

Seminar discussion: What can you do with your education and research in development achieved in Denmark?

Free admission

TID: Torsdag d. 7. november kl. 16.30‐18.30

STED: Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Porcelænshaven 26, 2000 Frederiksberg, Room PH408, 4th Floor

Seminar discussion: What can you do with your education and research in development achieved in Denmark?

Free admission

Organisers: Danish Development Research Network (DDRN) and the Association of Development Researchers in Denmark (FAU)

National priorities and ownership are prominent in donor funded development aid. South partner universities increasingly drive research for development and capacity building. Matchmaking with local partners is vital for North business development in the new markets. Students returning from study stays in Denmark have the potential to be part of the emphasis on South driven efforts.

How best to facilitate such link up? Is there a need for an open access alumni network covering all graduates returning from Denmark?

The seminar discussion will be inspired by presentations from DANIDA, the private sector, and DANIDA Fellowship Centre. The participants will have the option to join a questionnaire survey on their needs and interests.

Programme (preliminary):

16:30‐16:40 Welcome and coffee or tea
16:40‐16:50 Introduction to Danish Development Research Network (DDRN) and the Association of Development Researchers in Denmark (FAU)
16:50‐17:10 Tove Degnbol and/or Lasse Møller, DANIDA: The emphasis on South driven research
17:10‐17:20 Q & A
17:20‐17:40 David Christensen, Access2Innovation, Aalborg University
17:40‐18:00 Bente Ilsoe, DANIDA Fellowship Centre
18:00‐18:10 O & A
18:10‐18:20 Arne Wangel, DDRN: The DAAD (German DANIDA) alumni network
18:20‐18:30 Survey: Needs assessment for future networking
18:30 Closure