

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: The Power of Principles! BRIKS-landene og os

TID: 9. september kl. 9.30-15.00

STED: Gammel Varmecentral, Kastellet, 2100 København Ø.
Go through Nordre Magasin and the cafeteria to Gammel Varmecentral

The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are widely considered to act as a counterbalance to the great power policies of the United States and its Western allies in the contemporary international system.

TID: 9. september kl. 9.30-15.00

STED: Gammel Varmecentral, Kastellet, 2100 København Ø.
Go through Nordre Magasin and the cafeteria to Gammel Varmecentral

The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are widely considered to act as a counterbalance to the great power policies of the United States and its Western allies in the contemporary international system.

Some understand the BRICS as emerging rival great powers to the United States and the West, and they speculate whether the BRICS will be able to muster sufficient power to challenge, and eventually replace the United States and the West as dominant powers in shaping world order.

The seminar is a joint arrangement between DIIS and the Roayl Danish Defence College. The speakers all have extensive insights on BRICS’ political objectives and position in the current world order, and the individual member states’ roles in reforming existing principles of international conduct.

RSVP by Wednesday 4 September 2013 to Thomas Schytt Jensen by e-mail: [email protected]
In your reply, please indicate if you plan to buy lunch in the cafeteria.

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