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Seminar: Prismodtager drysser akademisk stjernestøv over KU

Forpersonen for HLPE er nemlig vinderen af World Food Prize i 2001, den internationalt anerkendte økonom Per Pinstrup-Andersen.

Forpersonen for HLPE er nemlig vinderen af World Food Prize i 2001, den internationalt anerkendte økonom Per Pinstrup-Andersen.

Da Pinstrup (75) vandt World Food Prize i 2001 lød en del af begrundelsen, at han ikke bare producerer vigtig viden, men også formår at gøre den relevant og brugbar i bekæmpelsen af hungersnød- se også https://www.worldfoodprize.org/en/laureates/20002009_laureates/2001_pinstrupandersen

På seminaret vil eksperter inden for fødevaresikkerhed præsentere aktuel viden og debattere med både internationale gæster og danske forskere samt publikum.

Seminaret er inddelt i fire sessioner, der omhandler hvert sit emne inden for fødevareøkonomi, fødevaresikkerhed og bæredygtighed.

TID: Mandag d. 16 marts kl. 09 til 17

STED: Festauditoriet A1-01.01, Bülowsvej 17, Frederiksberg Campus

BEMÆRK: Seminaret er GRATIS og kræver IKKE tilmelding. 

The seminar ‘Achieving sustainable food security and nutrition’ will be a debate about livestock, fish, water and food losses.

Food security and good nutrition are influenced by a range of issues, with a wide range of stakeholders concerned. To address food insecurity requires an integrated approach. It requires interventions and strong policies from local to global levels.

This international seminar will discuss, in four sessions, four important issues related to sustainable food security and nutrition, inscribed on the policy agenda of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security (CFS), and on the scientific agenda of the High Level of Experts on Food Security (HLPE), with Danish, Scandinavian and global perspectives:

* The role of livestock in achieving sustainable food security and nutrition
* Sustainable management of water resources for food production and health
* Sustainable fishery and aquaculture as contributors to food security and nutrition
* Reducing food losses and wastes for improving food security

Each session will consist of two presentations, of which one will report on HLPE work on the issue, followed by a panel discussion and discussions/Q&A with the audience.


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Participation is open to anyone interested – registration is not required.

For more information please write to: [email protected]

Yderligere oplysninger også hos:

E-mail: [email protected] og tlf. 35 33 36 86