

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Støtte til udvikling af den private sektor i Afrika: Hvad fungerer og hvad kan opnåes?

TID: Tirsdag den 2. december kl. 09.00-16.45

STED: DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies, Main auditorium, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51A, 2100 København

TID: Tirsdag den 2. december kl. 09.00-16.45

STED: DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies, Main auditorium, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51A, 2100 København

TILMELDING: Senest den 28. november kl. 12.00 på https://conferencemanager.events/AidforPrivateSectorDevelopmentinAfrica/sign%2Dup.html

Deltagelse er gratis og inkluderer frokost. Seminaret afholdes på engelsk.

Aid for Private Sector Development in Africa: What Works and What Can be Achieved?

This seminar focuses on the impact of development assistance for private sector development in Africa.

Despite more than a decade of economic growth, progress on job creation and poverty alleviation have been limited in most Sub-Saharan African countries.

Although extreme income poverty has declined, the absolute number of poor is higher today than in 1990.

Unemployment – especially among the youth – is high. By 2020 more than a third of the working-age population in sub-Saharan Africa will be below the age of 25.

The private sector is central to dealing with these problems.

Development assistance is indeed increasingly used to promote private sector development in recipient countries. 

Furthermore, donor countries increasingly look for synergies between aid and their businesses at home.

Most recently, the Danish government’s new strategy for export promotion and economic diplomacy, More trade.

New jobs, seeks to combine development goals with support to export and to the internationalisation of Danish companies.

However, these shifts in priorities have caused controversy.

More often debates have been based on preconceived ideas than on knowledge about what works and what does not.

Evaluation experience is rarely shared systematically among actors within the field.

The basic idea behind the seminar is to look at the impact of aid for sector development based on evaluations.

To what extent can support to private sector development create jobs, promote economic transformation and reduce poverty?

What role do donors and recipient states play? In short, what works and what can be achieved?

The seminar is organized by DIIS in cooperation with IDA Global Development and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



Nanna Hvidt, Director, DIIS

Tony Addison, Chief Economist/Deputy Director, UNU-WIDER, Finland

Mushtaq Khan, Professor, SOAS, London

Flora Nankhuni, Independent Consultant

Sunil Sinha, Managing Director, Nathan Associates London Ltd

Werner Raza, Director, ÖFSE, Austria

Per Kirkemann, Partner, Nordic Consulting Group (NCG)

Mads Bugge Madsen, Director in Danish Trade Union Council for International Development Co-operation (Ulandssekretariatet)

Morten Elkjær, Head of Danida’s Green Growth office

Representative from Confederation of Danish Industry (DI)

Representative from Danish Civil Society

Moderator: : Nils Boesen, consultant, former director of UNDP´s Capacity Development Group, Nils Boesen A/S





Nanna Hvidt, Director, DIIS



Overview, Aid for Private Sector Development

Based on the RECOM/UNU-WIDER position paper Aid, Growth and Employment(2014).

Tony Addison, Chief Economist/Deputy Director, UNU-WIDER, Finland



Aid for Business Environment

Based on the book chapter Governance and Growth. History, Ideology, and Methods of Proof in A. Noman, K. Botchwey, H. Stein and J. E. Stiglitz (2012).

Mushtaq Khan, Professor, SOAS, London



Debate with Tony Addison and Mushtaq Khan



Coffee Break



Aid for Agriculture and Agribusiness

Based on the IFC/World Bank Meta-Evaluation of Private Sector Interventions in Agribusiness. Finding out What Worked in Access to Finance and Farmer/Business Training (2013).

Flora Nankhuni, Independent Consultant



Aid for Financial Services

Based on the SIDA-evaluation What works for market development: A review of the evidence (2013).

Sunil Sinha, Managing Director, Nathan Associates London Ltd



Sandwich Lunch for Speakers and Participants



Debate with Flora Nankhuni and Sunil Sinha



Aid in the Form of Soft Loans: Export Promotion or Development Policy?

Based on Export Promotion or Development Policy? A Comparative Analysis of Soft Loan Policies in Austria, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands (2014).

Werner Raza, Director, ÖFSE, Austria



Aid Through Business-to-Business Programmes

Based on Evaluation of Danida Business-to-Business Programme 2006-2011 (2014).

Per Kirkemann, Partner, Nordic Consulting Group (NCG)



Coffee Break



Debate with Werner Raza and Per Kirkemann



Panel Debate and Finishing Remarks

Mads Bugge Madsen, Director in Danish Trade Union Council for International Development Co-operation (Ulandssekretariatet)

Representative from Confederation of Danish Industry (DI)

Representative from Danish Civil Society

Morten Elkjær, Head of Danida’s Green Growth office


Practical information

The seminar will be in English.