Tid: 26/09/2016 14:00 til 26/09/2016 16:00

Sted: Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (DIIS), Auditoriet, Gl. Kalkbrænderivej 51 A (nær Nordhavn S-station), Østerbro, København

Arrangør: N/A

Tanzania i dyb politisk krise et år efter valget

The seminar will be conducted in English.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.

Please use our online registration form.

And do so no later than Monday, 26 September 2016 at 10.00 am.


In October 2015, Tanzania held its most competitive election to date. The ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), won as it has done at every election since the Independence in 1961.

Still, major changes have ensued. The new president, John Magufuli, by many seen as a party outsider, has set about changing the face of Tanzanian politics and society.

His crack-down on corruption is hugely popular – so is his emphasis on a higher work ethics in government offices. However, these changes come with an authoritarian streak.

Opposition party activities are banned; opposition politicians are arrested; a newspaper has been closed and freedom of expression is under threat. Moreover, political problems on Zanzibar continue to plague the Union.

At this seminar representatives from the opposition party, Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA), will analyse the governance issues that these changes have brought about. Moreover, an analysis of major political differences on burning social, political and economic issues between CHADEMA and CCM will be presented.


  • Vincent Mashinji, Secretary-General, CHADEMA
  • John Mrema, Director of Publicity & Foreign Affairs, CHADEMA
  • Ole Therkildsen, Emeritus Researcher, DIIS – Therkildsen er bl.a. blogger her på Globalnyt – se https://globalnyt.dk/content/ole-therkildsen


  • 14:00-14:05: Welcome – Ole Therkildsen
  • 14:05-14:25: How is it to be an opposition party in today’s Tanzania? – Vincent Mashinji
  • 14:25-14:45: Major political disagreements between CHADEMA and CCM – John Mrema
  • 14:45-15:00: Coffee break
  • 15:00-16:00: Q&A – Chair: Ole Therkildsen