Tid: 17/04/2023 16:45 til 17/04/2023 18:45

Sted: Cinemateket

Arrangør: Global Health Film Days, School of Global Health - University of Copenhagen and Cinemateket

The Ants and the Grasshopper / Gender, climate change, and ecofeminism

Anita Chitaya wants to save her home in Malawi from extreme weather conditions. This entails travelling to the US to meet climate sceptics persuading that climate change is real. Her journey takes all her skill and experience to persuade them that we’re all in this together. This documentary weaves together important topics of our times: climate change and gender, racial and economic inequality.
EVENT Panel about gender, climate change and ecofeminism.

Buy your ticket here.

Watch the trailer here.

Director: Zak Piper, Raj PatelMalawi, 2021
74 min.
English subtitles
Allowed over 15 year