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Træningsworkshop: Hvordan engagerer man markeder som en del af ens udviklingsstrategi

TID: Onsdag den 26. november, torsdag den 27. november og fredag den 28. november kl. 09.00-15.30

STED: BØRNEfonden, Otto Mønsteds Gade 5, København.

TID: Onsdag den 26. november, torsdag den 27. november og fredag den 28. november kl. 09.00-15.30

STED: BØRNEfonden, Otto Mønsteds Gade 5, København.

TILMELDING: All interested organisations and individuals are invited to attend the training. Register by email to: [email protected]. Cost is DKK 300 for DFM members and DKK 500 for non-members – includes training materials, lunch, coffee and snacks. 

Training Workshop: How to Engage Markets as part of your Development Strategies

This training workshop is about how civil society organisations can address the dynamic changes in the South through partnerships with local market actors. The unique event will launch a new ‘How to Work with Markets’ Guide introducing principles, tactics and tools for CSOs and CBOs to facilitate structural impovements in market conditions that can ensure sustainable change to the livelihoods of the poor. 

The training will refer extensively to the Danish Civil Socity Policy as well as several Danish cases. 

Markets are increasingly seen as a solution rather than a constraint to poverty eradication. Civil Society Organisations, however, are generally not engaging with market actors as effectively as possible for improved opportunities of their target group.

With the new Danish Civil Society Policy, Danish NGOs are encouraged to enter new types of partnerships that address the dynamic changes in developing country contexts, including the growing potential of the local private sector in tackling development issues.

This is the point of departure of the training workshop which will launch the new‘How to Work with Markets’ Guide. The Guide has been developed specifically to reflect the Danish NGO environments and policy frameworks. The ‘How to Work with Markets’ Guide addresses the role and functions of civil society and community based organisations in market development and builds on numerous best practice livelihoods and value chain approaches.

The guide focuses on key principles along with a number of underlying tactics and quick guides, tools, worksheets, and indicators. The guide references Danish cases, such as examples from ADRA, BØRNEfonden, Caritas, CARE, ADDA, and CtS. 

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