Tid: 04/10/2023 09:00 til 05/10/2023 16:00

Sted: Community Hall 5, MS ActionAid, Fælledvej 12, 2200 Copenhagen N

Arrangør: Oxfam Danmark, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Sex og Samfund med flere

Training: Feminist Approaches to International Partnerships, Programming, and Funding

The training will focus on applying intersectional feminist principles to our organizations’ external operations, specifically international partnerships, programming, and funding.

Time: Wednesday-Thursday, 4-5 October, 9am – 4pm

Venue: Community Hall 5, MS ActionAid, Fælledvej 12, 2200 Copenhagen N  

Target group: The training is relevant for staff, volunteers, activists, and leaders in CSOs with international partnerships in countries of the global majority.

Registration: The training can accommodate a maximum of 30 people and registration will be based on a first come first served basis.

No-show fee: 250DKK

Trainer: Catherine Nyambura is a self-identified pan African feminist. She is an international development expert who specializes in program management, advocacy, research, and strategic partnerships. She has previously worked for FEMNET and is currently head of programs in the global feminist collective, Athena Network.

Speakers: There will be guest speakers sharing their experience, practices and apporaches to feminist programming, partnerships and funding from ASTRAEACREA and RFSU

Background: The training is developed by and for the participating organisations in the Feminist Network, which consists of ActionAid Denmark, Oxfam Denmark, The Danish Family Planning Association, International Media Support and The Women’s Council Denmark. The Feminist Network was formed in early 2022 to develop our own capacities by applying feminist principles and approaches to our work. For resources and tools please visit our website: Feminist Toolkits 

This training is the second of three planned training sessions in 2023. The first training focused on bringing feminist principles to the internal organisational and leadership level. For more information about this, you can listen to the Talk Town podcast Feminist Leadership and Organization Building.

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