Tid: 16/11/2016 13:00 til 16/11/2016 17:00

Sted: Eigtveds Pakhus, Sal III, Asiatisk Plads 2G, Udenrigsministeriet, København

Arrangør: N/A

USA-valgets indvirken på Danmark, Europa og verden

The Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) gathers national and international experts in a dialogue about the trends shaping US foreign policy post November 8. Renowned scholar and columnist James Traub is in Copenhagen for the occasion. He will join DIIS researchers to provide an overall analysis of the consequences of the election. Kristian Jensen, Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs, will open the conference.

To many, these changes reflect a natural and unavoidable American adaptation to a more multipolar world. Yet some view the retreat as dangerous: a problematic withdrawal from indispensable American leadership. Others consider it visionary: a wise reshaping of US foreign policy that plugs US power into a 21st century, which looks increasingly like a network, not a chessboard.

What will happen to these overall trends in US foreign policy after November 8? Read more.

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