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Webinarer: Fra smukke ord til konkret handling i felten

Three webinars from the Local to Global Protection (L2GP) initiative trying to bridge the gap between the rhetoric and nice words to actually supporting locally-led protection and survival.

TIME: Wednesday 2.nd June, at 09.00 – 10.30 hours

VENUE: Online – Adobe Connect. You will receive links and further instructions

Based on practical experience and in-depth research with more than 1,500 people in seven major humanitarian crises, these webinars will present key recommendations and tools intended to help humanitarian professionals identify, understand and support locally-led protection responses.

The webinars are particularly aimed at humanitarian practitioners working directly with communities at-risk – but may also help inspire policy- and decisions makers with agencies and donors to reconsider current understandings of humanitarian protection.

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I. What is Community-led Protection and Survival – practical examples from the L2GP research in major humanitarian crises

(2 June 2015) 

Illustrated with practical examples from among other Burma, Palestine, Syria, Sudan, South Sudan and Zimbabwe, this webinar will explain what the L2GP research has taught us about locally-led protection and survival in practise and conceptually.

How is this approach different from international ‘rights-based approaches’ to achieving protection?

Using a short outtake from the film ‘Fighting Bombs with Perfume’ along with recent examples from among other inside Northern Syria, the webinar will demonstrate what international protection actors can learn from a number of extraordinary locally-led protection initiatives.

Including in places where international actors currently have no or very limited presence and impact.

Lead speaker: Nils Carstensen

II. Supporting locally-led protection – getting started

8 June 2015 / 09:00-10:30 am

The second webinar will share ideas for an emerging practical framework that might guide practitioners wishing to support locally-led protection responses to rapid onset emergencies at scale. 

Lead speaker: Justin Corbett

III. Maximizing potential of locally-led, globally-supported responses – maintaining the momentum

11 June 2015 / 09:00-10:30 am

Complementing Participatory Action Research (PAR), a range of other key programming tools, approaches and considerations are explored, based again on experiences (positive and negative) from case studies in Africa and Asia. 

Lead speaker: Kerren Hedlund


Humanitarian practitioners working directly with communities at-risk and policy- and decisions makers with agencies and donors to reconsider current understandings of humanitarian protection.


REQUIREMENT: 100+ kbit internet connection and a headset. Check: www.speedtest.net


QUESTIONS: Natascha Linn Felix, Learning Consultant, DanChurchAid, e-mail: [email protected]

FURTHER INFORMATION: http://www.local2global.info

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