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Workshop: At opbygge modstandsdygtighed i udviklingsbistanden

 TID: Torsdag den 14. august kl. 13.00-15.30

STED: Dansk Røde Kors, Blegdamsvej 27, 2100 København Ø.

TILMELDING: Please register your participation before 12th August by e-mail to [email protected]

Resilience in practice

 TID: Torsdag den 14. august kl. 13.00-15.30

STED: Dansk Røde Kors, Blegdamsvej 27, 2100 København Ø.

TILMELDING: Please register your participation before 12th August by e-mail to [email protected]

Resilience in practice

“Resilience” is a term and concept increasingly used in the humanitarian and development context and many donors are increasingly focusing their international aid on ‘resilience building’.

The concept resilience has several definitions – depending on the context – but is not well defined in relation to humanitarian and development efforts.

It usually refers to an ability to ‘bounce back’ after being exposed to an external shock.

However, that ‘bouncing back’ is not necessarily desirable if the initial condition was not favorable, so we as development practitioners need to broaden the vision to ‘bounce back better’. 

Health and Development Network invites for a meeting, where three sector/ sub-sector examples of Resilience will be shared. 


13.00 Sandwich served 

13.30 Introduction to Resilience as a concept, in post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals and to use in practice (Red Cross) 

14.00 Child resilience at individual, family and community level (Save the Children) 

14.30 Sustainable resilience – look-back study in Mali (Red Cross 

15.00 Resilience within Sexual Reproductive Health (Danish Family Planning Association) 

15.30 Questions and answers