Tid: 23/11/2016 14:00 til 23/11/2016 16:00

Sted: DIIS ∙ Danish Institute for International Studies, Auditorium, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51A, 2100 Copenhagen

Arrangør: N/A

Yemens fremtid – globale, regionale og nationale dimensioner

In March 2015, a Saudi-led coalition launched a military operation in Yemen. The aim was to reinstate the internationally recognized president Hadi, who fled Yemen as Houthi insurgents took control over large parts of the country, including the capital Sana’a.

More than 19 months later, the Saudi-led military operation has failed to achieve its ultimate aim of reinstating president Hadi, while the Yemeni state has crumpled and internal cleavages deepened.

Despite several rounds of peace talks between the Houthis and their allies on the one side and the internationally recognized president Hadi supported by Saudi Arabia on the other, the UN Special Envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed has been unable to broker a deal.

Consequently, the conflict continues to have detrimental consequences for the Yemeni population. Yemen has become a humanitarian catastrophe as 80% of the population is in need of some form of humanitarian assistance and millions are severely malnourished.

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