NIAS-blog om Nordkoreas krise

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In Focus: The (new) North Korean Crisis: what can be expected and what should be done as a response to the sinking of the Cheonan corvette?

Last week an international report was presented giving evidence that it was a North Korean torpedo that sank a South Korean warship earlier this year, killing 46 sailors. The news has caused international condemnation and also demands for forceful countermeasures.

In this week’s blog Mikael Weissmann, Research Fellow and Linus Hagström, Senior Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, comments on possible reasons for the sinking of the corvette and argues for a cautious handling of the crisis and an early re-start of the Six-Party talks.

In the In Focus section of the AsiaPortal we address an up-to-date topic and ask a Nordic expert in this area to write a short opinion in an attached blog. We warmly welcome researchers, students, experts and others interested in the topic to give their comments in the blog.

We would also like to form a network of people who would be interested in participating with opinions in future In Focus themes. Anyone interested can contact us on [email protected]

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Inga-Lill Blomkvist, Librarian & webmaster
NIAS Library & Information Centre
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