Ny støtte til Haiti’s journalister

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Noget af det, der kendetegner et retfærdigt samfund, er en uafhængig presse. Det mener IMS, der netop har iværksat en ny fond til støtte af den undersøgende journalistik i Haiti.

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and International Media Support (IMS) are pleased to announce Haiti’s first Fund for Investigative Journalism in Haiti (FIJH).

The goal of the fund is to instill (indgyde) a culture of investigative reporting, and provide the financial means for journalists to do investigations.

Why an investigative fund? An integral part of a free and just society is an independent press that strives (stræber) to provide accurate, balanced and meaningful information. It is vital to create a corps of investigative journalists who have the capacity to report on society in a way that holds government officials, aid agencies and others accountable, especially in the reconstruction period following the January 12, 2010, earthquake.

The Fund for Investigative Journalism in Haiti (FIJH) will give Haitian journalists an opportunity to produce in-depth investigative stories by providing short-term financing to cover the journalists’ costs (including salaries). In addition, the FIJH will offer one-on-one coaching to build the capacity of the participating journalists.

The goal of FIJH is to instill a culture of investigative reporting, provide the financial means for journalists to do investigations, improve the quality (as measured by accuracy, use of multiple sources and reliance on research and hard data) of reporting and help jumpstart a public demand for accountability.


The Fund is open to print, radio and television journalists – full-time and working as freelancers. Journalists can apply individually or in groups of two or three. The theme for the two-month pilot project is financial and material assistance for recovery and reconstruction following the January 2010 earthquake. The fund’s pilot project will begin by November 18, 2011, with the distribution of information about the project and an online application. All journalists interested in applying are encouraged to visit the website session on Wednesday, 30 November 2011, at 10.00 at the Press Center (rue Butte, #8), Bourdon.

For more information about the fund, including its financing, and for an application please go to: http://journalismeinvestigationhaiti.blogspot.com/.

Kilde: International Media Support