Nyt Verdensbank-website til unge

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

Foto: Kevin Carter/Getty Images

Tidligere u-landskonsulent og generalsekretær i Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd, DUF, Niels Lund, fortæller fra Verdensbanken, hvor han nu er ansat, at Banken torsdag lancerede en ny hjemmeside til det unge og yngre publikum fra 12 til 25 år. Siden hedder youthink.worldbank.org

Websitet vil for så vidt angår emner blive yderligere udbygget i de kommende måneder, ligesom der hver måned lanceres et nyt tema, oplyser Niels Lund. Han er i dag Consultant, Children and Youth, Human Development Network i Verdensbanken. Room G 7.035B. Tlf. 001 202 458 7910 og fax 001 202 52 23 489.

Her teksten fra den interne lancering af youthink.worldbank.org

Youthink!, World Banks New Website Reaches Out to Youth

Youthink!, the Banks new website about development issues that matter to young people, hit the cyber newsstand today, April 15. 2004.

Young people, who represent the webs savviest users, have been the Banks largest but most underserved Internet audience. Some 300.000 students visit the Banks website each month, according to the latest statistics on web usage and traffic.

Youthink! is a livelier, more interactive and dynamic website that provides relevant content to young people, written in a more age-appropriate language.

Youthink! invites young people to explore the research, knowledge and experience gathered by Bank experts on issues like poverty, development, and conflict.

Youthink! also invites young people to share with the Bank what they see around them through personal stories, photos, etc.

– As a global development institution, the Bank is in a good position to engage young people about pressing development issues. Using the web to reach them is a natural step in the Banks communications and advocacy efforts, says Viviana Mangiterra, World Bank Children and Youth advisor.

Youthink! has separate areas for younger kids and teachers, a forum where young people can share their ideas and concerns on development, suggestions on how young people can get involved in development work, and a multimedia section with games, quizzes and videos.

The site will host regular live web chats with and for young people through the Speak Out section. The first scheduled chats will be with the Banks own Mittpheap You, a JPA, who will talk about her experiences as a Cambodian emigre to the US and the recent return to her home country.

The second chat will be with two Ugandan AIDS orphans who will talk about how young people in Africa deal with the fallout of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Youthink! was developed by representatives from EXT, WBI, HDs Children and Youth Advisor and the JPA community. For more information, send an email to “youth web”. youthink.worldbank.org

The site builds on and incorporates the Banks existing web resources for kids, students and teachers. WBIs For Kids and Schools and Depweb as well as EXTs KidsDevNews provided much of the blueprint.