Stærke reaktioner fra civilsamfundet på USAs farvel til klimaaftale

Thomas Jazrawi

Den amerikanske præsident får mange hårde ord med på vejen efter, at han torsdag meddelte, at USA vil forlade Paris-aftalen, den globale klimaaftale, der blev indgået i den franske hovedstad i 2015. 

Her følger en række udtalelser fra det internationale civilsamfund: 

“The world’s biggest historic emitter walking away from its climate change commitments is gravely unjust, but we must respond by redoubling our efforts. Those on the frontlines of climate change demand nothing less.” – Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director, Oxfam International

“Donald Trump is on a mission to sacrifice our planet to the fossil fuel industry. By pulling out of the Paris Agreement, Trump has turned the United States into the world’s foremost climate villain.
The rest of the world must move forward aggressively without the world’s leading historical contributor of greenhouse gas emissions. Friends of the Earth U.S. calls on all nations to assert heavy economic and diplomatic pressure to compel the Trump Administration to take serious climate action to protect people and the planet.
The majority of Americans reject Trump’s extreme agenda and demand climate action. Today’s announcement only strengthens our resistance.” – Erich Pica, Friends of the Earth U.S. President

“Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement will turn America from a global climate leader into a flat earth society of one. It is a morally-bankrupt decision that Trump will come to regret. Global climate action is not a legal or political debate, it is an inescapable obligation to protect people and planet.
“Trump is surrendering US global leadership to real world leaders who are seizing the momentum to protect their country and the climate by transforming their economies to clean energy. We are witnessing a seismic shift in the global order as Europe, China and others lead the way forward.
“Almost 200 countries committed to climate action in Paris and only one has decided to withdraw. This is how far out of step Trump is with the rest of the world. It is the changing of the global guard – as the US bows out, world leaders, CEOs and people across the world can and are moving forward into the future.”
– Jennifer Morgan, Greenpeace International Executive Director

 “Millions of people around the world are already forced to live with a climate crisis they didn’t cause. By taking this step, the Trump administration continues to put its fingers in its ears and turn its back on the rest of the world. All countries should see this U.S. administration for what it is – a mouthpiece for some of the world’s dirtiest industries – and must move forward without the U.S. for now, resisting all further attempts by Trump to undermine progress in the fight against climate change.” – Brandon Wu, Director of Policy and Campaigns, ActionAid USA

“U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement will erode America’s standing in the world at a time when global cooperation is needed more than ever. Coming on the heels of a budget proposal that, if enacted, would increase suffering among the poorest and make the world a more dangerous place, the Trump Administration’s intention to withdraw from the Paris Agreement is another failure of U.S. leadership. Addressing climate change is critical to the continued progress to combat extreme poverty and to alleviate humanitarian crises. Walking away from the Paris Agreement now is a sign that America is prepared, not only to stand in isolation, but also to walk away from its partners, from its moral responsibility, and from the promise it owes to future generations of a healthy and safe planet.” –Michelle Nunn, president and CEO, CARE USA

 “Trump has no mandate from the US public to weaken the Paris Agreement, and should not be making big decisions while under investigation.  This cowardly failure to lead will only make us stronger as a movement as we push harder for just and equitable climate action.”
-Keya Chatterjee, Executive Director, US Climate Action Network

“The historic Paris Agreement was achieved thanks in large part to US climate diplomacy, but it will succeed with or without the US, as the rest of the world remain committed to the low-carbon transition. The 20th Century was powered by fossil fuels and America dominated the world. The 21st Century will be powered by clean energy and Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement could mark the end of American supremacy.” – Mohamed Adow, International Climate Lead, Christian Aid

“Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement is an act of global environmental vandalism that has the potential to do great harm to current and future generations. Even without the US as a party, Paris still represents our best chance of avoiding severe and destabilising climate change. The rest of the world must continue to build on Paris to speed the transition to a cleaner, lower-carbon world. The direction of travel is clear, and climate action will continue globally and within the US, as states and businesses continue to drive progress. In the meantime the commitment of the UK, the EU and other leading nations is more important than ever.” – Jonathan Church, lawyer, ClientEarth 

"As global temperatures hit record high every year now, the world is rightfully outraged by the decision to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement.
We welcome the strong statements from all other world leaders that their countries will not withdraw their commitments, goals, policies and actions related to climate change. Unlike the view of the current US administration, countries all over the world see the Paris Agreement as an engine for growth and jobs.The EU is already strengthening its alliances with countries like China and Canada, as well as those most affected by climate change.  The EU needs to step up its game now, to trigger more climate action and smooth the way for scaling up the Paris climate pledges.” – Wendel Trio, Director, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe