Annoncør: Dansk Handicap Forbund

Ansøgningsfrist: 04/03/2024

Job: Dansk Handicap Forbund is seeking a Consultant for a Mid-term Review – Organisational Development project with Vietnamese Disability Organisations.


Mid-term Review

Project Name: Strengthening of Provincial and District DPOs in Vietnam (Cooperation with Provincial DPOs in Vietnam – CODV3-project)

  1. Introduction

This project is phase III of DHFs cooperation in Vietnam starting in 2012 and builds upon 2 previous projects (CODV1 and 2) with focus on capacity building of 6 provincial Disabled Persons Organizations (DPOs)[1] in the north of Vietnam. Two partners – DP Ha Nam, DP Nam Dinh – have been partners since CODV1, DP Thai Binh and DP Thai Nguyen since CODV2 and DP Lang Son and DP Dong Trieu since CODV3 – a 5 year project starting October 2021. The 6 provincial partners have 3813 registered members in total and the project includes 16 DPOs at district level, 2 Youth Clubs and 3 Woman’s Clubs. With very few exceptions, Vietnamese legislation does not allow national organization of persons with specific disabilities, why the provincial DPOs includes cross-disabilities. At the beginning of CODV3 2 other provincial partners were also part of the project – DP Hanoi and DP Hai Duong. Both have been partners since CODV1, but DP Hai Duong have wished to withdraw from the project and DP Hanoi have not wished to meet the transparency criteria’s set by the project.

In May 2023 DHF had initial meetings with 2 new partners – DP Nghe An and DP Da Nang – in the central part of Vietnam. Since August 2023 the process of getting permission from relevant authorities for the new partners to join the project has been on-going and are yet to be finalized.

Since the beginning of the cooperation in Vietnam, DHF has had hired local staff in the DHF office in Hanoi handling the daily management of the project.

DHF is at present seeking a consultancy to conduct a mid-term review of CODV3.

[1] Whereas the more correct term today would be Organization of Persons with Disability (OPD), we have used the term DPO since the initial phase in Vietnam. So, for the sake of consistency with the project documents we use DPO.  

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