International Monetary Fund
Aldrende befolkninger vil ramme de fattige lande hårdt
A top International Monetary Fund executive urged poorer nations Friday to reduce government debt “with urgency,” saying they are even…
31. august 2004 -
Verdensbanken og IMF: 2015-mål i fare
The worlds poorest countries are in severe danger of failing to meet ambitious economic and development goals set for the…
24. august 2004 -
Rundspørge: Zimbabweanerne føler det kun går een vej – nedad
Four in five Zimbabweans went without food at least once last year, according to a new survey. The results of…
21. august 2004 -
Alliancefrie lande sætter Afrikas enorme gæld øverst på dagsordenen
The worlds developing nations vowed on Wednesday to push debt relief for Africa, saying rich countries and lenders must boost…
18. august 2004 | Afrika -
Verdensbanken: Stadig flere fattige i Zambia, men regeringen gør det rette
World Bank vice president for Africa Callisto Madavo said Thursday during a visit to Lusaka, that the Southern African countrys…
16. august 2004 -
Begejstrede østafrikanske ledere efter møde med ny IMF-chef
East African countries on Friday called for a bigger say in the running of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and…
9. august 2004 | Afrika -
IMF-chef møder afrikanske ledere og spår pæn vækst på kontinentet næste år
The managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Rodrigo de Rato, met several African leaders in the central Ugandan…
7. august 2004 | Afrika -
Årsmøder for Verdensbanken og Valutafonden holdes 2.-3. oktober i Washington DC
The Executive Boards of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group have decided that the Annual Meetings…
6. august 2004 -
Zimbabwes nedtur rammer nu international bogmesse i Harare
The annual Zimbabwe International Book Fair (ZIBF) was this year described as a “non-event” by the publishing industry, acknowledging that…
5. august 2004 -
Rapport: IMFs program for at reducere fattigdommen lever slet ikke op til sit potentiale
The main poverty reduction program of the International Monetary Fund has “fallen short of potential” in improving conditions in the…
30. juli 2004