International Monetary Fund
Stor EU-pakke på vej til Zambia
The EU has approved a 225 million euro financing package for Zambia to help the country lift millions of its…
6. marts 2009 | Afrika -
FN: Finanskrisen rammer u-landene hårdt
PARIS, March 3 2009: The global financial crisis is moving beyond Wall Street and the European banking sector into the…
3. marts 2009 | Afrika -
FN-kommissær: Finanskrisen rammer verdens fattigste hårdest af alle
Global recession threatens human rights of poorest, warns UN rights chief GENEVA, 20 February 2009: The worlds poor and disadvantaged…
20. februar 2009 | Afrika -
UNEP: Grøn vækst som kickstarter
Global fiscal stimulus funds could jump-start world economy – UN report NAIROBI, 16 February 2009: Investing one-third of the roughly…
17. februar 2009 | Afrika -
IMF: Der skal investeres mere for at dæmme op mod finanskrisen
WASHINGTON, 15 December 2008: Government action needed to revive credit flows, stimulate domestic demand In a wide-ranging speech at a…
16. december 2008 -
ITUC: G-20s kriseplan er utilstrækkelig, ILOs er bedre
BRUXELLES, 21 November 2008: The first meeting of G20 leaders on the world economic crisis, while setting a road map…
22. november 2008 -
Ban: Vi kan ikke tillade os, at finanskrisen gør flere mere fattige
WASHINGTON, 14 November 2008: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Friday urged the leaders of the so-called Group of 20 (G-20) nations to…
16. november 2008 -
Græsrodsorganisationer kræver samtænkning af handel og bistand
By Nikhil Aziz, Grassroots International Washington, 14 November 2008: The world’s most powerful “leaders” met Friday in Washington to debate…
14. november 2008 -
IMF: Økonomisk går det ret godt i Rwanda
WASINGTON, 5 November 2008: An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission led by Ms. Zuzana Murgasova visited Rwanda October 22-November 4,…
6. november 2008 -
ITF: Finanskrisen kræver globalt fagligt sammenhold
LONDON, 29 October 2008: The International Transport Worker´s Federation, ITF’s, executive board has urged global union leaders to spearhead a…
30. oktober 2008