Malawis regering tyvstarter vaccinationskampagne
By Mtheto Lungu, AfricaNews LILONGWE, MALAWI, 10 May 2010: Outbreak of measles in Malawi had taken ill over 3.000 people…
11. maj 2010 | Afrika -
Ny vaccinationsbølge i Haiti
An estimated 60,000 Haitian children under the age of five will receive life-saving immunization in the next few days. This…
30. april 2010 | Haiti -
Massiv indsats mod polio i Afrika
En ny vaccinations-kampagne skal sikre millioner af børn mod polio i Vest- og Centralafrika. Trods tidligere indsatser mod sygdommen, spredte…
29. april 2010 | Burkina Faso -
WHO: Kinesiske børn skal vaccineres mod mæslinger og leverbetændelse
The United Nations health agency has urged parents in China to protect their children against an early death and long-term…
22. april 2010 -
Over 60.000 haitianere vaccineret i stor vaccinationskampagne ledet af FN
More than 60,000 people in earthquake-devastated Haiti have been vaccinated against diphtheria (difteri), tetanus (stivkrampe) and other diseases, but additional…
23. februar 2010 | Haiti -
Mæslinger rammer over 30 millioner børn
Mæslinger rammer hvert år over 30 millioner børn og koster næsten 750.000 af dem livet, skønt der findes effektive og…
22. maj 2003