Over 60.000 haitianere vaccineret i stor vaccinationskampagne ledet af FN

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More than 60,000 people in earthquake-devastated Haiti have been vaccinated against diphtheria (difteri), tetanus (stivkrampe) and other diseases, but additional teams are urgently needed to wrap up this immunization campaign, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) reported today.

Agency spokesperson Paul Garwood said that the campaign that kicked off on 16 February has so far reached some 62,000 people, or 10 per cent of the target population.

Local staff trained by the Health Ministry, along with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), are also helping to administer the immunizations, he said.

Mr. Garwood also noted that there have been no recorded increases in outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Respiratory infections are the main cause of illness, he told reporters in Geneva, followed by trauma, injury, diarrhea and suspected malaria cases.

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