Verdensbanken kommer hurtigt af med pengene i Afghanistan – hvor 9 udaf 10 stemmeberettigede nu har registreret sig til valget i oktober
The World Bank is disbursing grants and no-interest loans to Afghanistan at a pace that is more than twice as…
3. august 2004 -
Hvad Verdensbanken ønsker af Kenya
Anti-Graft War: What the World Bank Wants Relations between the Kenyan Government and the donor community have lately deteriorated over…
3. august 2004 -
Verdensbanken støtter Tanzanias anden strategi for fattigdomsbekæmpelse
The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved on Thursday an International Development Association (IDA) credit and grant of a…
2. august 2004 -
Verdensbanken vil hjælpe Zambia ud af afhængigheden af kobberet – og bistå en række nationalparker
The World Bank Board of Executive Directors Thursday approved an International Development Association (IDA) credit of 28,1 million US dollar to…
2. august 2004 -
Ny metode skal beskytte afrikanske oliepenge mod grådighed og misbrug: Sættes ind på en konto i London, som Verdensbanken bestyrer
Whenever oil is discovered in an African country – which happens more and more these days – a certain pattern…
29. juli 2004 | Afrika -
Verdensbanken satser på reformer i Bangladesh over en bred bank
Bangladesh continues to pursue broad reforms to accelerate growth and poverty reduction. To support these reform efforts, the World Bank…
29. juli 2004 -
Økonomer: Verdensbanken ved reelt ikke, hvor mange af dens projekter, der gavner de fattige
Wealthy nations and international organizations, including the World Bank, spend more than 55 billion US dollar annually to better the…
29. juli 2004 -
Verdensbanken advarer Kibaki: Gør noget ved korruptionen i Kenya NU
The World Bank urged Kenya on Tuesday to act against corruption following accusations by graft watchdogs that officials were stealing…
27. juli 2004 -
Valutafonden og Verdensbanken fejrede deres 60 års dag
The World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Thursday marked the 60th anniversary of their founding at the…
25. juli 2004 -
Verdensbanken lægger canadisk firma på is efter korruption i kæmpe vandprojekt i Lesotho
The World Bank has sanctioned Acres International Limited (Acres), a Canadian company, as a result of corrupt activities related to…
24. juli 2004