Verdensbanken hjælper Bangladesh med bedre energiforsyning
Bangladesh will strengthen its efforts to overcome one of its most pressing development challenges with a new project aimed at…
9. juni 2004 -
Henved en kvart milliard fra Verdensbanken til fattigdomsbekæmpelse i Nepal
epal: World Bank To Support Community – Managed Poverty Reduction Efforts With US$40 Million In Assistance The World Bank on…
7. juni 2004 -
Verdensbanken og Nordisk Udviklingsfond i storstilet byforbedringsprojekt i Ghana
The World Bank Board approved Thursday a credit of 62 million US dollar to implement the second phase of a…
3. maj 2004 | Ghana -
Verdensbanken på den frie presses dag mandag: En fri presse et aktiv i kampen mod fattigdom
A free press is a key element in the global fight against poverty and can act as a catalyst for…
3. maj 2004 -
Nyt svindel-fif i Vestafrika: Giver sig ud for Verdensbanken
In light of recent developments showing an increasing number of “advance fee fraud schemes” misusing the World Bank Groups name,…
3. maj 2004 | Afrika -
Verdensbanken: Stadig mindre vand til rådighed per u-landsbo
Global levels of fresh water resources per capita declined by 1,6 percent between 2001 and 2002 due to growing populations…
1. maj 2004 -
Verdensbanken hjælper med at skaffe millioner af indiske børn i skole: En halv milliard dollar på bordet
With the approval of a 500 million US dollar IDA-credit, the World Bank will pool funds with the Government of…
29. april 2004 -
Verdensbanken opretter Trust Fond for donormidler til palæstinensisk reformprogram
With the aim of supporting the Palestinian Authority (PA) in sustaining public services in the face of a severe fiscal…
29. april 2004 -
Verdensbanken og Valutafonden belønner Etiopien med milliardstor gældslettelse
The International Monetary Fund (IMF ) and the World Banks International Development Association (IDA) have agreed that Ethiopia has made…
26. april 2004 -
Verdensbanken: Historisk aftale om at forene kræfterne mod hiv/aids
A historic agreement to adopt a unified global response to tackling HIV/AIDS was reached by the international community on Sunday,…
26. april 2004