Briter afviser klage over giftigt drikkevand i Bangladesh, skabt af britisk bistand
The upper house of Britains parliament, the House of Lords, has thrown out an arsenic (arsén) poisoning case brought by…
7. juli 2006 -
WHO og UNFPA sammen mod sex-overførte sygdomme, som især rammer u-landskvinder
UN agencies team up to tackle worsening sexual and reproductive health worldwide New York, 21 June: With more than half…
22. juni 2006 -
WHO-studie: Kvindelig omskæring endnu farligere end antaget
New study shows Female Genital Mutilation Exposes women and babies to significant risk at childbirth Geneva – A new study…
5. juni 2006 -
Tvivl om, hvornår ny generaldirektør for WHO kan vælges
Meeting in emergency session Tuesday, representatives from member countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) asked the UN agencys leaders…
25. maj 2006 -
WHO-chef begraves onsdag – hyldes for sin indsats mod aids
The funeral of Lee Jong-wook, Director-General of the UN World Health Organization (WHO), who suddenly died on Monday, will take…
23. maj 2006 -
Svensker udpeget til fungerende WHO-chef
Following the sudden death of Dr LEE Jong-wook, Director-General of the World Health Organization, Dr Anders Nordström – currently Assistant…
22. maj 2006 -
WHOs chef er død
Generaldirektøren for Verdenssundhedsorganisationen, (WHO), Lee Jong-Wook, døde mandag i Geneve efter en hjerneoperation, oplyser FN-organisationen ifølge B.T. Online mandag. Lee…
22. maj 2006 -
WHO-chef ramt af blodprop
Dr. Lee Jong-wook, the Director-General of the UN World Health Organization (WHO), is currently recovering from surgery at the Cantonal…
21. maj 2006 -
Fedme rammer nu også 3V
Rome, 18 May: Agriculture and the right farm policies can promote healthy diets but Europeans are in some ways eating…
18. maj 2006 -
WHO: 13 medicinselskaber har nu trukket farlige malaria-midler
The UN World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that 13 pharmaceutical companies have agreed to comply with its recommendation to…
17. maj 2006