Nu optræder børnelammelse kun i 4 lande – 3 af dem i Asien
The number of countries with indigenous polio (børnelammelse) has dropped to an all-time low of four, two UN agencies involved…
2. februar 2006 | Asien -
Gates ryster posen igen – milliarder til kampen mod tuberkulose
The Global Plan to Stop Tuberculosis has received a 600 million US dollar (3,7 milliarder DKR)) boost from Microsoft chairman…
27. januar 2006 -
WHO frygter at miste ny virksom medicin mod malaria
The most effective cure for malaria could be lost unless new prescribing guidelines are followed, the World Health Organization (WHO)…
20. januar 2006 -
Næsten 12 mia. kr. rullede ind på donorkonference om kampen mod fugleinfluenza i Beijing
The head of the UN effort to combat the spread of the deadly bird flu virus Wednesday warmly welcomed donor…
19. januar 2006 -
Donorkonference om kampen mod fugleinfluenza opfordres til at hoste op med over 9 milliarder kr.
Disease experts urged rich countries at an international donors conference Tuesday in Beijing to come up with the 1,5 billion…
18. januar 2006 -
Dobbelt så mange FN-ansatte slået ihjel i 2005 som året før
Fatal attacks against UN civilian and military personnel stationed around the globe more than doubled last year compared to 2004…
6. januar 2006 -
WHO: Mange katastrofer i 2005 skyldes bestemt ikke naturen alene
The high death toll in 2005 from tsunamis, hurricanes, typhoons, mudslides, earthquakes, volcanoes, locusts and pandemics can not necessarily be…
4. januar 2006 -
Financial Times: Opimod en tredjedel af tsunami-hjælpen endt i administration og stabsudsendelser
Agencies Refuse To Disclose Costs As Third Of Tsunami Funds Go On Overheads A year after the Indian Ocean tsunami,…
23. december 2005 -
WHO dedikerer menneskeretsdag til verdens millioner af mentalt syge – ofte uden hjælp
Geneva, 9 Dec.: The World Health Organization (WHO) is dedicating International Human Rights Day, 10 December, to people with mental…
9. december 2005 -
Store læge- og medicinudgifter skubber millioner ud i fattigdom
Each year 100 million people slide into poverty as a result of medical care payments. Another 150 million people are…
5. december 2005