Verdensbanken afviser at medvirke til at ødelægge Cambodjas skove
The World Bank said Wednesday that its work in Cambodias forestry sector has helped reduce deforestation, and rejected criticism that…
5. august 2004 -
Verdensbanken forsvarer sig: Vi har nået store resultater
In a letter to the editor of The New York Times, World Bank Chief Economist François Bourguignon replies to a…
5. august 2004 -
UNDP: Bangladesh skal bruge et år på at komme på fode
Bangladesh will need at least a year to recover from the devastating floods that have caused massive damage to its…
5. august 2004 -
WFP bringer hjælp ud til bjerglandsbyer i Peru efter de værste snestorme i 30 år
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) last week began giving emergency assistance to more than 17.000 people affected by…
3. august 2004 | Amerika -
Hvad Verdensbanken ønsker af Kenya
Anti-Graft War: What the World Bank Wants Relations between the Kenyan Government and the donor community have lately deteriorated over…
3. august 2004 -
FN: Verden glemmer Eritreas fødevarekrise på grund af Darfur
Some 1,9 million Eritreans who are currently in need of food aid could suffer even more because the world has…
3. august 2004 -
WFP nedkaster madforsyninger over fjerne dele af Darfur
The United Nations World Food Programme has begun air drops of food into the most inaccessible parts of western Sudans…
3. august 2004 -
Verdensbanken kommer hurtigt af med pengene i Afghanistan – hvor 9 udaf 10 stemmeberettigede nu har registreret sig til valget i oktober
The World Bank is disbursing grants and no-interest loans to Afghanistan at a pace that is more than twice as…
3. august 2004 -
FN-team til somali-del af Etiopien for at afværge hungersnød
Aiming to avert a potential humanitarian catastrophe, United Nations aid coordinators have opened an office in the Somali region of…
3. august 2004 -
Kendt avis: Verdensbankpenge til olie-, gas- og kuludvinding hjælper langt fra altid de fattige
The World Bank has helped finance exploitation of oil, gas, coal and other minerals in the developing world, mainly through…
3. august 2004