Kræver handlingsplan for børnesoldater
In a wide-ranging resolution strongly condemning the recruitment and use of child soldiers and providing for country-specific resolutions against that…
23. april 2004 -
Irak: Kampe bremser kirke-hjælp
With no sign of a let-up in the conflict in Iraq, members of the global alliance Action by Churches Together…
23. april 2004 -
Kofi Annan foreslår FN-indsats i Haiti
Secretary-General Kofi Annan has proposed sending United Nations military and police forces to Haitis capital, Port-au-Prince, beginning in the latter…
23. april 2004 -
EU afvikler støtten til tobaksproduktion – men i langsomt tempo over 5 år
Afvikling af støtten til EUs underskudsgivende tobaksproduktion kommer til at tage op til 5 år. Det er konsekvensen efter torsdagens…
23. april 2004 | Afrika -
Verdensbanken: Verdens fattigdom halveret
The proportion of people living in extreme poverty (less than one dollar a day) in developing countries dropped by almost…
23. april 2004 -
FN undersøger ledere af madprogram for svindel
Concerned by allegations regarding the administration and management of the United Nations oil-for-food programme, the Security Council Wednesday welcomed the…
22. april 2004 -
Asiatisk aftale om enormt hovedvejsnet
Asian countries are set to sign an agreement at a United Nations meeting next week in Shanghai that will set…
21. april 2004 -
USA vil betale for globale fredsstyrker
Præsident George Bush planlægger at lancere et nyt internationalt tiltag til at oplære og udruste udenlandske tropper til fredsbevarende missioner…
20. april 2004 | Afrika -
Dobbelt så mange penge for at nå 2015-mål om rent vand og god sanitet
The world needs to more than double its spending if it is to achieve its 2015 target of halving the…
20. april 2004 -
Færre krige, men eksploderende FN-omkostninger til fredsbevarelse
As yearly casualties in armed conflicts in the new century drop to about one-tenth the annual deaths in the 1990s,…
20. april 2004