Torturbehandlingscenter i Nigeria lukket efter angreb


Consulting Centre for Constitutional Rights and Justice (C3RJ) in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, is still closed due to an attack by a group of about 20 armed men on Friday 24 October. The C3RJ is a rehabilitation centre for torture victims and an accredited member of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), skriver IRCT torsdag i en pressemeddelelse på engelsk.
The armed attackers vandalised the office and threatened to kill the executive director, staff and clients of the centre. The incident has been reported to the Nigerian Police. No arrest has been made so far, and no group or individual has claimed responsibility for the atrocities.

The IRCT knows the C3RJ to be a bona fide centre for treatment of torture victims. The IRCT considers the attack and the threats made to be extremely serious, and calls on the Nigerian authorities to take the necessary steps to bring those responsible to justice and to ensure that the C3RJ can continue to carry out its important work.

The IRCT is an independent, international health professional organisation that promotes and supports the rehabilitation of torture victims and the prevention of torture through nearly 200 rehabilitation centres and programs around the world.

For further information, contact IRCT Media Co-ordinator Poul Struve Nielsen tlf 33 76 06 49 or 23 34 55 09.

International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)