Det kom som et chok for de fleste, da Donald Trump trak sig sejrrigt ud af præsidentvalgkampen i USA tirsdag.
Mange civilsamfundsorganisationer er bekymrede for, hvad den kommende tid vil bringe i lyset af de udmeldinger, der er kommet fra rigmanden gennem de seneste måneder.
En særlig stor bekymring er fremtiden for miljø og klima – ikke blot i USA, men globalt. USAs kommende præsident har nemlig kaldt videnskaben om klimaforandringer "et kinesisk svindelnummer".
Han har ydermere sagt, at han ønsker at trække stormagten ud af den nye globala klimaaftale – Paris-aftalen – som blev vedtaget i den franske hovedstad i december.
Adskillige miljøorganisationer i USA kalder derfor til kamp mod forringelser af den amerikanske miljø- og klimaindsats.
Her er nogle reaktioner fra det amerikanske civilsamfund:
Union of Concerned Scientists kalder videnskaben "et af de største ofre i valgkampen", og udtaler følgende:
"In that spirit, we will do everything we can to communicate directly with the Trump team about the benefits of science-based decision making and the importance of addressing climate change, our food supply, and nuclear weapons, among many other things".
"We believe it is particularly important to appeal to President-elect Trump’s business experience to point out that addressing climate change can bring jobs to those left out of the economic recovery. Mr. Trump’s proposed infrastructure legislation, for example, could fund thousands of good-paying jobs building transmission lines to connect renewable sources to population centers; repairing leaking gas pipelines; and removing the threat of lead pollution from drinking water pipes".
Klimaorganisationen har følgende opfordring:
"There is no denying the fact that our job is harder now. I’m taking a moment to grieve with loved ones today, and I hope you are too".
"But tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, the movements for climate justice, for Black and brown lives, for immigrant justice, for democracy and everyone who believes Donald Trump is the opposite of what makes America great — will step into our power together and show that the people who want justice represent a force too great to ignore".
Erich Pica fra Friends of the Earth US maner til kamp med følgende ord:
"The next four years will not be easy, but we have fought hostile administrations before. Under President George W. Bush, the environmental community took the battle to the courts and Congress and watchdogged political appointees; we blocked attacks on the environment; we galvanized the public to take action. After the more recent fights to kill the Keystone XL pipeline, ban fracking and shut down coal plants, the environmental movement is stronger than we have ever been".
"We will have to harness our new energy, join together, and use every strategy possible to fight against hate and greed and environmental destruction. While I wish we had a different fight before us, we must fight the one presented to us. The future of our country and planet depends on it".
Annie Leonard, formand for Greenpeace USA, siger:
“Our hearts go out today to the millions of people who voted against bigotry and hate and now have to accept the fact that the man who ridiculed and threatened them for months is the President-elect of the United States. Fear may have won this election, but bravery, hope and perseverance will overcome.
“Greenpeace and millions of people around the world have all the power we need to combat climate change and create a just world for everyone. Let’s use this moment to reenergize the fight for the climate and the fight for human rights around the world.”
Leder af NGO'en Sierra Club reagerer således på resultatet af USAs valg:
"We aren’t defeated. We are determined. What is important to remember is that millions upon millions of Americans — a majority of voters, in fact — stood up to Donald Trump’s ignorance, his misogyny, and his racism. Those same millions will stand up every day to ensure that he can’t roll back the progress we’ve made in recent years".
"Make no mistake — the election of Donald Trump could be devastating for our climate and our future. Donald Trump now has the unflattering distinction of being the only head of state in the entire world to reject the scientific consensus that mankind is driving climate change. Campaigning is one thing; governing is another. Trump must choose whether he will be a president remembered for putting America and the world back on a path to climate disaster, or for listening to the American public, investing in the fastest-growing sector in the U.S. economy — clean energy — and keeping us on a path of climate progress".
"He should choose wisely. Otherwise, we can guarantee President Trump the hardest fight of his life every step of the way".
Oakland Institute reagerer med følgende ord på resultatet:
"Was it the rejection of the establishment and policies that have been working against the working poor for decades? Was it a white-lash after eight years of having a Black President? Was it a reactionary vote against immigrants, Muslims, Blacks, people of color and against the LGBT communities? Was it a result of voter suppression?"
"Whatever motivated this vote, the victory went to a candidate who has become the very face of bigotry, misogyny, racism, greed, and contempt for the environment and the climate".
"For us at the Oakland Institute, this election result makes it clear, today more than ever, it is time for action and mobilization, for respect and celebration of differences between people, religions, race, gender, and for the respect and the stewardship of our environment and our planet!"