Dansk pige hjælper fattige børn i Ghana til at få sygeforsikring

Forfatter billede

Ghana har indført en national sygeforsikring, problemet er blot at mange af landets indbyggere ikke har råd til at betale præmien, selv om det (omregnet) blot koster otte kroner om året at få et barn ind under ordningen.

Det vil den danske pige, Nina Bisballe-Møller, søge at råde lidt bod på, skriver Helsingør Dagblad.

Hun er i Ghana som frivillig og har ved selvsyn under sit ophold på et hospital oplevet, hvordan fattige familier i Ghana ikke har nogen chance for selv at betale for lægebesøg, malaria-behandling og deslige.

Derfor vil hun nu sammen med to tyske veninder helt konkret hjælpe 100 fattige børn i en landsby i det østlige Ghana til at få en sygeforsikring indtil de fylder 18.

Den 21-årige pige fra Snekkersten syd for Helsingør beskriver på en nyoprettet hjemmeside, hvilke konsekvenser fattigdommen har, hvis man vil behandles for selv de mest almindelige sygdomme – og ikke har nogen sygeforskring.

Simpelt hen fordi man er blandt de anslået 30 procent af de 26 millioner indbyggere, som må klare sig for fem-seks kroner om dagen eller mindre.

Hjemmesiden er oprettet som led i en indsamling til børnene i landsbyen, og der var indtil weekenden indløbet 4.000 kr., som Nina Bisballe-Møller og veninderne tirsdag i næste uge (25.03) vil tage ud med til landsbyen.

Hjemmesiden kan ses på http://helpussavelives.wordpress.com

Pigernes appel

Her kan man bl.a. læse:

We are 3 volunteers working at the Eastern Region Hospital in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Our goal is to obtain health insurance coverage for as many children as possible in the Akwadum Mpaem village in Ghana, that will be valid until they turn 18.

Ghana, in west Africa, is a country of big development that has a bright future. However, at the same time, it is a country of great poverty where 29% of people live for less than one US dollar a day and unfortunately it is mostly the children who suffer from Ghana’s poverty.

There is a government supported health insurance in Ghana which covers the patient for hospital stays, various surgeries and vital medicines for e.g. malaria, HIV and for use during childbirth. But there is a big problem regarding to the health insurance in Ghana; a large amount of Ghanaians cannot afford the insurance coverage.

The Akwadum Mpaem village is one of the poorest villages in the Eastern Region of Ghana. There are 132 children in the village, 80% of them are living without health insurance. These children are not taken to hospital for treatments for common diseases such as malaria that is easily treated, and therefore can end up dying as a result.

For only 1,5 dollar (otte kr.) one child can be covered by health insurance for a whole year.

But we need your help to make this happen, so please help! Just one dollar will make a big difference to a child’s life in the village.

No organisations are involved in this project. We will take care of every dollar donated and will ensure it will go towards the health insurance of the children in full.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Alannah, Hanna, and Nina