Halvdelen af Filippinernes hovedstad står under vand

Laurits Holdt

En tropisk storm har skabt massive oversvømmelse i Filippinernes hovedstad Manila. Byen er mere eller mindre gået i stå og titusinder af hjem er oversvømmede. Det anslås at 600.000 har brug for akut hjælp.

MANILA, 20 August 2013 (IOM): IOM (International Organisation for Migration)is responding to a request for life-saving assistance from the government of the Philippines as extensive flooding in the capital Manila continues to affect more than 600,000 people.
Tropical storm Maring (international codename Trami) and a southwest monsoon have caused havoc in low-lying Manila and in mountainous areas over the past three days, bringing everyday life to a standstill and causing many businesses, government offices and schools to close.
The monsoon rains which have claimed at least seven lives, have submerged more than half of Metro Manila in floodwaters. Tens of thousands of homes were inundated (oversvømmet) and roads made impassable across the mega city of 12 million people, causing tens of thousands to flee to evacuation centres.
Heavy rains started on 18 August and requests for rescue and assistance began pouring in as the weather worsened.
By early today 347 areas in 42 municipalities and cities were flooded, with 64 roads across the area impassable to all types of vehicles. The torrential rains are expected to continue for the next two to three days.
“With a total of 125,024 families (601,104 people) in some dire need across the National Capital Region (NCR) and in the mountains of the Cordillera, IOM Philippines is mustering all its resources to support the government’s response,” said Marco Boasso, IOM Philippines Chief of Mission.
Læs resten af artiklen: http://www.iom.int/cms/en/sites/iom/home/news-and-views/press-briefing-notes/pbn-2013/pbn-listing/iom-responds-to-request-for-life.html

Begynd ved ”Dinky Soliman,  Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development”