Indonesiens næststørste papirfirma dropper bæredygtigheden

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Forfatter billede

Den store indonesiske papirproducent APRIL har hidtil leveret produkter, der er FSC-certificeret, hvilket betyder, at materialet skal leve op til miljømæssige og sociale kriterier, men efter klager fra flere organisationer om brud på betingelserne har firmaet nu valgt at trække sig fra ordningen.

Forest Steward Councelship skriver på sin hjemmeside lørdag:

On 23 May 2013, Greenpeace, WWF Indonesia and the Rainforest Action Network filed a formal complaint with the Forest Stewardship Council about association with the APRIL Group.

In accordance with the FSC International Dispute Resolution System, FSC set in motion the process of dealing with the complaint.

However, on 14 June 2013, the FSC International received from our Asia-Pacific and China offices written requests by APRIL subsidiaries to withdraw their FSC certificates, which were all for chain-of-custody.

No reason for the withdrawal was offered.

To officially withdraw from FSC, certificate holders must work with their certifying bodies, in this case, Bureau Veritas, SGS Hong Kong and QMI Sai Global.

While FSC International acknowledged receipt of the withdrawal letters from APRIL subsidiaries, the actual process to terminate the contractual relationship may take some time.When the withdrawal of the FSC certificates by APRIL becomes legally effective, there will no longer be any association between FSC and APRIL

Due to this new situation, the complaint process is being put on temporary hold, pending an internal discussion about the appropriate path forward.

FSC International will provide additional information once we decide about next steps.

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