Mild pengeregn over Ghana


Ghanas development partners (aid donors) have announced a 1,7 billion US dollar (8 milliarder DKR) support for 2008 to accelerate implementation of programs under the countrys Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy II.

The declaration came at the end of the 15th Ghana Consultative Group Meeting of government officials, development experts, partners and civil society organizations in Accra.

Ishac Diwan, World Bank Country Director, said attention was paid at the meeting to the oil and food price shocks and how it could impact on the West African countrys growth prospects. He said Ghana had shown enough economic stability, which had enabled it to withstand the shocks.

The meeting discussed the results, achievements and challenges of Ghanas development and poverty reduction efforts on the theme: Ghana’s Aid Policy-A Joint Approach to Accelerated Development.

Highlights of the meeting included a long-term national development plan being prepared by the National Development Planning Commission and the Annual Progress Report on Ghana’s Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy II.
