Sydsudan: Nedriver koloni for spedalske

Forfatter billede

Luri Rokwe er navnet på et samlingssted for spedalske og deres familier, der blev dannet i 1948 af Sudans på det tidspunkt engelsk-egyptiske overherredømme. I januar i år blev beboernes huse imidlertid revet ned som del af et regeringsinitiativ, som vil skubbe tre fjerdedel af de tidligere bebore væk fra området, skriver IRIN NEWS onsdag.

JUBA: A once bustling community of several thousand on the outskirts of South Sudan’s capital, Juba, has been replaced by groups of people huddled under trees, surrounded by bundles piled high and the rubble that was their homes.

“It has been decided by the government, because Juba is going to be a city and not a village,” said nurse Joseph Wani, who has run this community and treated others like himself with leprosy for years.

The government has allocated land to around 220 of the 290 PWL, but Wani says at least another 750 plots are needed for their children; hundreds of people are destitute.

“Up to today, there are still people waiting, there are still people sleeping outside,” and now the rains have come, he said.

The boy scouts are rebuilding houses for 47 people too affected by leprosy to rebuild their homes. But so far only two are built and there are only 15 temporary tents.

“I’m now sleeping out in the open and I’m really suffering, but at least I have a plot. It is the others who don’t that really pains me,” said PWL Thomas Wedaya, who arrived here in the 1950s.

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