En bøn for pressefriheden i Syrien

Laurits Holdt

Når der skal findes en løsning på konflikten i Syrien er det absolut nødvendigt, at beskyttelse af journalister og uafhængige medier indgår som grundlæggende elementer. Sådan lyder det i en fælles udtalelse fra en række medieudviklingsorganisationer.

As the Syria peace conference opened in Geneva on 22 January, international media assistance NGOs call on the stakeholders of the conflict and conference participants to ensure that steps are taken to safeguard media freedom in Syria and to include the development of a free and independent media sector in Syria as an important element of political settlement to the conflict, says International Media Support on its web site.

Journalists, media activists and other news providers are directly and deliberately being targeted by multiple parties to the conflict and Syria is currently the world’s most dangerous country for media workers. As a result, access to reliable information for the Syrian population has been severely constrained.

Members of Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) and other international media assistance groups call on all Syrian and international parties engaged in political and transitional talks and processes to:

  • demand an immediate release of all journalists and others engaged in media work  detained by the regime, ISIS or any other group in violation of their right to freedom of expression.
  • secure an immediate halt to the intimidation, crimes and abuses to foreign and Syrian journalists, media workers, media activists or media organisations, by any group, in any context, and under any pretext.
  • place observance of  press freedom, freedom of expression and access to information at the heart of  political talks and transitional efforts.
  • assure that the future development of a free, strong and independent media sector are integral to any transitional efforts and political talks.


Canal France International (CFI), Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), Deutsche Welle Akademie, Doha center for Media Freedom, Free Press Unlimited , Global Forum for, Media Development (GFMD), Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR), International Media Support (IMS), Internews, Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW), Reporters Without Borders (RSF), The Rory Peck Trust, WAN-IFRA, IREX US

Læs hele udtalelsen her: http://gfmd.info/index.php/news/the_gfmd_calls_upon_stakeholders_of_the_peace_talks_on_syria_in_geneva/