Fire eks-officerer nu anholdt for mordet på Victor Jara

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De chilenske myndigheder har arresteret fire militærfolk, som står tiltalt for at have tortureret og myrdet den verdenskendte sanger og sangskriver, Victor Jara, efter militærkuppet mod Salvador Allende for 39 år siden.

Jara was brutally killed days after the coup that brought General Augusto Pinochet to power in September 1973, writes BBC online Thursday.

More arrests are expected after a judge last week indicted (rejste tiltale mod) eight ex-officers, including one who lives in the US.

Jara’s widow, Joan Turner, has urged the US to extradite (udlevere) Pedro Barrientos Nunez. He has denied any involvement.

On 28 December, Judge Miguel Vazquez accused Mr Barrientos, a former lieutenant, and Hugo Sanchez Marmonti, an ex-colonel, of homicide, while the other six were accused of complicity to commit murder.

On Wednesday, four of the men, including Mr Sanchez Marmonti. handed themselves in to the authorities.

The judge has said he will request Mr Barrientos’s extradition from Florida, where he now lives.

Joan Turner Jara, originally from Britain, said on Wednesday that the charges against the former officers were ” a message of hope” but that much remained to be done to ensure justice not only for her husband’s case but for all the victims of Chile’s military dictatorship.

“If Victor’s case serves as an example, we are pushing forward in demanding justice for Victor with the hope that justice will follow for everyone,” she said.

Victor Jara, who was a member of the Chilean Communist Party, was one of the best-known victims of Gen Augusto Pinochet’s coup.

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